Tracking FAQ
Typically, processing and shipping take around 10-15 business days for orders within the U.S. and 15-25 business days for international shipments, assuming there are no unforeseen delays with the postal service. For further details, please visit our Shipping and Delivery page.
Once your order has shipped, you’ll receive a notification with tracking information sent to the email associated with your order. Be sure to check your spam or junk folder if the email doesn’t appear in your inbox.
Tracking updates should be visible within 48-96 hours after you receive your tracking number/ID. This delay occurs because, in most cases, the first tracking events appear only once the shipment is handed over to the local facility.
Note: Some carriers may take a bit longer for the next tracking update to appear, especially for items such as t-shirts, posters, canvases, or mugs. Please be patient, and rest assured that your order is on its way!
We understand how frustrating it can be not to receive real-time updates on the location of your order. During peak seasons, it is possible that some packages may ship without tracking information. However, you can rest assured that your package will still be delivered within our committed timeframe. This delay can sometimes be caused by factors such as weather disruptions, customs clearance, or carrier backlogs.
If your order seems to be stuck for 10-15 days, please reach out to us through our Contact Us page so we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We’re here to help!